Thursday, June 30, 2011

Whatcha Gonna Do When They Don't Come For You?

I am sure you are as shocked as I was to learn that there is, at a minimum, a loose correlation between the number of cops on the beat and the crime rate:
It was 162 officers who were let go, out of more than 1,200. And NPR obtained internal crime data for the city for six and a half months since the layoffs took effect. If you compare those statistics to the same time period last year, murders are up 52 percent. Car thefts, 33 percent. Robberies, 16 percent. And the number of shooting victims saw a 66 percent increase. During all this, cops performed about 4,000 fewer arrests.
But you know, we should probably keep laying off these union thugs, with their fat cat pensions busting the budget and all. Teachers too, because kids these days aren't dumb enough as it is.

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