Sunday, June 12, 2011

America's Gun Fetish

Guns are one of those rare things in American culture that you just can't mess with. It doesn't matter how modest or truly conservative (not in the teatard batshit context - I mean the literal sense) the policy is; the only acceptable gun policy in America is no policy at all, or that which seeks to deregulate or fundamentally loosen the already insanely lax laws we have in place. 

That being said, we now have Al Qaida cheering jihadists to exploit the aforementioned insanely lax gun laws. The same laws that have previously been proven by Michael Bloomberg to be insanely lax and dangerous and reckless. As Digby notes, gun policy was one of the few facets of American domestic policy left untouched by the collective legislative pants shitting that succeeded the days and months following 9/11. 

It's another reminder of how completely ignorant and futile are our security policies in the wake of 9/11.  We're terrified of someone sneaking a bottle of killer shampoo onto an airplane when there are a myriad of other ways in which an attack could cause widespread terror and casualties - gun violence being prime among them. We've seen the horror caused by years of innumerate school shootings, the Mumbai attacks three years ago, and even as recently as Jared Loughner's attack in Tucson earlier this year. 

But for god's sake, whatever you do - stay the fuck away from America's firearms. Real Amurikans know you need 'em for when that day comes to refresh the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots and over throwin' the tyrannical federal gubmint and not treadin' on me and stuff. And don't call them crazy either - god fearing Amurikans just really, really love Jebus, guns, and the Constitution:

h/t to Kos for the awesome pics.

Also, in true characteristic asshole fashion, the NRA opposes closing the gun show loophole, and has up until this point declined comment on the Al Qaida video.

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