Mr. President, according to our own intelligence officials, al Qaeda no longer has a large presence in Afghanistan, and, as the strike against bin Laden demonstrated, we have the capacity to confront our terrorist enemies with a dramatically smaller footprint. The costs of prolonging the war far outweigh the benefits. It is time for the United States to shift course in Afghanistan.
We urge you to follow through on the pledge you made to the American people to begin the redeployment of U.S. forces from Afghanistan this summer, and to do so in a manner that is sizable and sustained, and includes combat troops as well as logistical and support forces.
We look forward to working with you to pursue a strategy in Afghanistan that makes our nation stronger and more secure.
You could, you know, put it to a vote. But in general, the situation is hopeless, and we are not leaving no matter how many strongly worded letters the Senate pens. Amurikans don't lose wars and these colors don't run - we throw soldiers and money at the problem til the job is done even as our own populace suffers the worst economy since the Great Depression.
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