Friday, June 3, 2011

Beltway Groupthink

I can't remember what story it was that I read that made me think of this, but I randomly thought of this term today:
Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within groups of people. Group members try to minimize conflict and reach a consensus decision without critical evaluation of alternative ideas or viewpoints.
Sound like anyone you know? You know...maybe like, everyone in DC and the establishment media? Deficits hysteria? Budgets should be balanced through cuts and never revenue? FIghting multiple useless, prolonged wars is always an awesome idea?

Looks like the Wikipedia entry read my mind as well:
More recently, Dina Badie argues that the invasion of Iraq by the United States was driven by groupthink. According to Badie, groupthink was largely responsible for the shift in the U.S. administration’s view on Sadam Hussein that eventually led to military action in Iraq. After 9/11, “stress, promotional leadership, and intergroup conflict” were all factors that gave way to the occurrence of groupthink
New tag.

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