Saturday, June 4, 2011

Barney Frank on Libya

The outspoken Congressman has a point:
Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) bashed the White House on Friday for intervening in Libya to oust dictator Muammar Gaddafi, saying the United States does not need to be the "9-1-1 for the world.""We have got to stop subsidizing the rest of the world," he said on the House floor. "Particularly now. When members from the Appropriations Committee come up and tell us, you got to go and do this, but let's cut police in Massachusetts, let's cut housing in Ohio, let's cut transportation in California, we cannot reduce our deficit in a way that allows us to maintain any concern for the quality of life here if we continue to spend money promiscuously over there."
"I heard one of my colleagues on the other side say, well, the Europeans are there, but let's not poke them in the eye," he said. "Poke them in the eye? We have for years, since the beginning of NATO, been subsidizing them so they have military budgets less than half of ours as a percentage of their GDP, so they can do better than us in health care and competitiveness and every other way."
But let's be honest - there is not a lot of concern in the Beltway for the quality of life here in the U.S. Libya is just the latest symptom of that.

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