Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hope Is Not An Economic Policy

Related to my post from yesterday, I still have a really hard time understanding how we systematically ignore the counsel of experts when it comes to doing important things like, you know, running the largest economy in the world. There have been plenty of respected economists screaming for the last two years that we were pursuing wrongheaded or overly timid economic policies and that we've learned essentially nothing from the 1930s.

I guess this shouldn't be much of a mystery. The types of people that pursue public service typically do not do so in the interests of actually serving the public's interest, but rather to feed their own narcissistic power fetish. That and there is the added benefit of the fact that holding public office essentially guarantees your status as a millionaire for the rest of your days.

So I guess I just answered my own question. Obama is damned lucky that the Republicans have already conceded an enormous advantage in 2012 by means of their inane support for RyanCare. In any other case, with the economy continuing to struggle as badly as it is, he'd be facing a significantly steeper uphill climb for reelection. 

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