Sunday, September 18, 2011

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt: Evil Socialist

You can now add Eric Schmidt to the Right's growing list of wildly successful capitalists Unserious evil dirty socialist scum: 
But the current strategy is ludicrous. You have a situtation where the private sector sees essentially no growth in demand. The classic solution is to have the government step in, and with short-term initiatives help stimulate that demand. If they do it right, they'll invest in income and growth producing things, like highways and bridges and schools. 
Business can create enormous numbers of new jobs in America. All we need to see is more demand. What's happening right now is: Businesses are very well-run, they have a lot of cash. They're waiting for more demand. At the moment, business efficiency allows them to grow at 1 or 2 percent, which is what we're seeing today. They don't have to hire more people. And until we solve the problem, people are going to sit idle. And it's a real tragedy.
Other recent and prominent additions to this list include Warren Buffet, for his audacity to point out the fact that the mega rich pay absurdly low, regressive levels of taxes.

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