A few days ago, I said the following in response to to Obama's laughably naive presumption that there might be any, even a single Republican that might put their country before electoral politics:
With all due respect: Wake the fuck up, Mr. President.It doesn't take a political scientist to predict these things:
House Republicans may pass bits and pieces of President Barack Obama’s jobs plan, but behind the scenes, some Republicans are becoming worried about giving Obama any victories — even on issues the GOP has supported in the past.
And despite public declarations about finding common ground with Obama, some Republicans are privately grumbling that their leaders are being too accommodating with the president.
“Obama is on the ropes; why do we appear ready to hand him a win?” said one senior House Republican aide who requested anonymity to discuss the matter freely. “I just don’t want to co-own the economy by having to tout that we passed a jobs bill that won’t work or at least won’t do enough.”
This should be the top story on every major newspaper, cable network, and radio broadcast. These assholes would much rather just let the country suffer and wallow through the Lesser Depression than do anything to improve our economic malaise because...it might help Obama.
The President and Congressional Dems need to disavow themselves of any further bull shit ideals of bipartisanship and compromise. The GOP doesn't want it. They want nothing to do with any policy that would actually help the economy or unemployment, because they view these things as mutually exclusive to their electoral success.
It doesn't get much more fucked up and cynical than this. These people can not be allowed to make any sort of significant gains in 2012. Ezra Klein has a piece up today that basically posits that the American public is so stupid and ill informed that they will believe that any potential future Republican acts of government that have nothing to do with the economy or unemployment, such as repealing the Affordable Care Act or rolling back EPA regulations, will be credited for any recovery beyond 2012.
It doesn't get much more fucked up and cynical than this. These people can not be allowed to make any sort of significant gains in 2012. Ezra Klein has a piece up today that basically posits that the American public is so stupid and ill informed that they will believe that any potential future Republican acts of government that have nothing to do with the economy or unemployment, such as repealing the Affordable Care Act or rolling back EPA regulations, will be credited for any recovery beyond 2012.
And sadly, he’s right. Which makes it imperative that a Republican does not sit in the White House come January 2013. The last thing this country needs, the last thing this country can afford is to have the failed militant conservative ideology validated by a GOP huckster taking credit for a recovery they wanted nothing to do with and actively sought to prevent.
(via Steve Benen)
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