Wednesday, September 28, 2011

More Tea Bagger/Christian Stupidity

"The end of Don't Ask, Don't Tell is the signature achievement of our time," Ferguson told Obama and the crowd. 
At that point, a bearded man standing in the front row closest to the stage began shouting: "Christian God is the one and only true living God, the creator of Heaven and the Universe," according to White House pool coverage of the event. 
Someone then threw a jacket toward the stage. 
"Is that his jacket?" Obama quipped. 
The guy was still ranting while being carried out by Secret Service: "I love Jesus. Jesus Christ is God. Jesus Christ is the son of God." 
Obama stopped speaking briefly, smiling uncomfortably as the crowd booed loudly to drown him out. Eventually, police and Secret Service dragged the man through the crowd and out of the theater. 
The man was still on his way out yelled one final epithet: "Jesus Christ is god, Barack Obama is the antichrist!"
I have no words. These people are just fucking stupid. And insane.

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