Thursday, September 22, 2011

Stay Classy, GOP Voters

Ahh, GOP presidential debates: the gift that keeps on giving. First we had the audience cheering Gov. Rick Perry's record of executions - the most of any state in the nation. Even more than Dubya. Next came another audience cheering for an uninsured man to die. And now we have them booing a gay soldier:

These people are sociopaths. And what ever happened to the military being the best goddamn real murkins ever? I thought you couldn't say anything bad about the military otherwise Jesus killed a kitten, and if you question their infallibility and awesomeness, you are a terrorist and are going to hell. I guess that doesn't apply when it comes to homosexuals. Because you know, the GOP and its ignorant mouth breathing constituency hates them some gay.

Contrast their reaction with this recent clip from the Daily Show, the operative clip coming at 2:32:

I don't know how you can watch that and not be moved deeply on some level, but again, they are sociopaths. Fuck them. 

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