Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I have no words:

Of all the newspaper headlines covering the death of Osama bin Laden, the most provocative may have been the New York Daily News.
Their "Rot in Hell" Monday headline, with a full front-page photo of bin Laden, was mentioned by the cable news networks and generated buzz on the on-line social networks.
So do Americans think that the founder and leader of the al Qaeda terrorist network is now in hell?
According to a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll released Tuesday, 61 percent of the public says yes, with one in ten saying no and nearly a quarter unsure.
"Not all Americans believe in hell - a point of view reflected in the relatively large number of 'don't know' responses - and many religions don't include punishment in an afterlife as part of their teachings," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "Nonetheless, the six in ten who say bin Laden is in hell reflects how strongly many Americans feel that bin Laden was an evil figure."
"This is one question on which there is little partisan division - at least six in ten Democrats, independents and Republicans all believe bin Laden is in hell," adds Holland.
Well thank Jebus for that. We may not agree on much, but OMG LOOK there's bipartisan consensus that bin Laden is in Hell! And our poll data confirms that Americans think that the man responsible for blowing up the WTC and killing 3,000 Americans is an evil figure! Hard hitting, ground breaking, in your fucking face news!

Next up, we go to your Twitter pages to find out if you think Obama is a meanie poopy face doodie head for not releasing photos of a bullet-ridden mangled bin Laden corpse, and Wolf Blitzer breaks out the Minority Report ginormous touch screen to manipulate data and show us stuff with things. All that and more stupid unnecessary ill informed jackassery - after this.

(h/t HuffPost)

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