Friday, May 27, 2011

The Ryan Plan - Just Needs a Little Don Draper

I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record with Republicans and the Ryan plan, but I can't help it because I think it will remain one of the most significant political events of this year for the Democrats, along with the Wisconsin union busting bill. That being said, this cracks me up:
“I think we need to be stronger in marketing who we are and our message, and not just Medicare but in every aspect — with the jobs situation, with the economy, with national security. That’s what we need to do,” freshman Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) said.
But behind the scenes, several sources reported grumbling.
One source familiar with the internal discussions over the Ryan budget plan described members as frustrated that their leadership failed to prepare them for the outrage they have heard from constituents in their districts over the Medicare changes.
“Members know that you don’t piss off senior citizens, and they know that this was handled badly, that there was no messaging, that Ryan’s not making his case and they are all looking down the road thinking, ‘Oh my God, it’s coming,’ ” the source said.
Uh-huh. That's all they need - more messaging, a sexier marketing campaign. They just needed to tell voters what they really meant about Medicare, and more effectively convey that they are just good looking, sharp dressed fellows with the nation's best interests in mind, and suddenly people won't care that they want to turn Medicare into a shitty voucher program. And did these shit for brains really not stop to think that voting to end Medicare would seriously piss off an enormous majority of the country?

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