KEYES: Do you think that the Fair Labor Standards Act, for instance, would pass constitutional muster?
JOHNSON: I think that they do go overboard, that these protections do really exist. We elected a black president. I think that we clearly have shown that we are colorblind. Colorblind and we’re not a discriminate (sic) nation.
Asshole. This is from Gary Johnson, the Republican governor of New Mexico and a potential GOP 2012 presidential candidate. Although Haley "I Don't Remember The Civil Rights Era Being That Bad" Barbour seems to have realized that there isn't much room for stupid white racist candidates, so maybe this dipshit will come to the same conclusion. Johnson's statement is so patently ignorant that I won't spend much time showing the many ways in which racism is alive and well in our body politic, but rather simply point out what I've already said: our first black president has been subjected to an endless media-cheerlead shitshow about his birth certificate and inundated with accusations that he was born in Kenya. The birther issue is absolutely all about race - they may as well just start calling him the n-word at this point. The Very Serious people at CNN even held a special investigation into Obama's birth certificate. Just to lay the matter to rest, I'm sure! It would probably be too difficult and improper to and mean to simply call birthers for the stupid fucks that they are and move on/refuse to give any further credence or air time to the issue. And not to mention that when the birth status/presidential eligibility of a certain grizzled old white male was called into question, it was categorically and immediately dropped following his campaign's response:
During the 2008 campaign, questions about John McCain's birth in the Panama Canal Zone on a U.S. military base prompted some to ask whether McCain was eligible to be president, since the Constitution stipulates that anyone not born in the United States is not eligible to be president.
Amid a flurry of news reports, McCain's own campaign announced in February 2008 that it was conducting an investigation. When a bipartisan pair of lawyers announced the following month that McCain was indeed eligible, the issue virtually died--apart from a Senate resolution that pretty much laid the question to rest by attesting to the facts surrounding McCain's birth and citizenship.
Does anyone even remember McCain's birthplace coming up during the 2008 campaign? Because I don't, and I pretty much live and breathe current events. It goes to show you how much of a non-issue it was - because he is white. And worse yet - Obama has actually given in to the crazies to some extent and released his so-called "long-form" birth certificate, which of course is now full of forgeries, inaccuracies, and is not good enough. Obama seemed genuinely pissed at the press conference following the release of the document, but I have to believe that it was more or less a shrewd move by his political team. They know that birtherism is a political loser for the GOP, and releasing the document has kept this vile issue in the news and stirred up the crackpots anew. Lucky for us, many in the GOP do not seem to realize that this is a no-win issue for them:
Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, declared Tuesday that while he has no doubt that President Obama is an American citizen, it was not his place to tell Donald Trump to drop the issue.
“Trump and the candidates can talk about it all they want, but my position is that the president was born in the United States,” Mr. Priebus said. “I don’t think it’s an issue that moves voters.”
It's absolutely an issue that moves voters, you ass, which is why you won't come out strongly against it - because it roils your base of ignorant racist white degenerates, upon which your party depends heavily for electoral success.
But regardless, this is a day to celebrate. Thanks to the election of Barack Obama and the erudite wisdom of wingnut morons like Gary Johnson, we can rest easy knowing that America is officially racism free.
Also, new tag (shamelessly stolen from Colbert).
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