Republicans are spraining their vaginas crying about Democrats rightfully taking advantage of their support of the Paul Ryan Path to Fucking Everybody Over But Rich People and Corporations Prosperity:
Nearly a dozen House Republican freshmen held a press conference outside the Capitol Tuesday morning to "wipe the slate clean," and "hit the reset button."
"Yeah, I mean there's been -- again, this is a both-sides issue," said Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) when asked if GOP candidates and the NRCC had engaged in 'MediScare' tactics last year. "To say that one side is blameless in trying to use issues to win votes is just dishonest."
On Tuesday, Kinzinger and 41 of his colleagues sent a letter to President Obama, asking him to rein in Democratic attacks on GOP members who voted for the House budget, which includes a plan to privatize Medicare and cap spending on the program.
"We ask that you stand above partisanship, condemn the disingenuous attacks and work with this Congress to reform spending on entitlement programs," the letter reads.
I swear to Jebus that there is a direct relationship between immense power/wealth/status and being a colossal delicate flower. Wall Street banksters and Fortune 500 CEOs crying that Obama is mean to them, Congress members of both parties whining to Obama that he needs to be directly involved in the budget (after he already released his proposal), and now the GOP drowning the Oval Office in tears because Democrats are doing what politicians do - engaging in smart politics.
Republicans already voted for Ryan's shit sandwich of a budget and continue to feel the ramifications of it daily, no matter how they try to argue the contrary. The fact that they are crying about Democratic attacks mean that they are working. They've hit a nerve. The House GOP is already feeling the heat from their constituents on their regressive plan, and the last thing they want is for the Dems to continue to hold the spotlight on them on this issue.
Paul Krugman had a good post about this very subject on his blog, noting what I've said many times before - that facts have a well-established liberal bias:
Today was another VSP day at the Washington Post, with both the editorial page and the fact-checker tut-tutting at Democrats who insist on describing the Republican plan to dismantle Medicare as a plan to dismantle Medicare.
Because it is, you know, a plan to dismantle Medicare. When you transform a program that pays seniors’ medical bills into a program that gives them a voucher that almost certainly isn’t enough to buy adequate insurance, you can call the new scheme Medicare, but it isn’t the same program.
Anyway, Republicans are proposing to destroy Medicare; saying that clearly isn’t scare tactics, it’s simply pointing out the truth.
Also, I've got a few things that might help the Republicans cure their sad:
Just a thought. I hear they are super effective.
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