JON CORZINE: First of all, we ought to send out signals of confidence. It's easy to sit on the sidelines when you're not governing. I would love to see the President call the leaders of Congress back to Washington in the next week, walk out together and say we're going to do the Grand Bargain.
JOE SCARBOROUGH: What a great signal that would send.
CORZINE: It would send an enormous confidence setting tone for the market.
What the fuck is it with these people and the boners they get for sending "signals" and "confidence"? It's just stupid. They actually believe we ought to enact some certain set of policies (ostensibly ones that fuck the poor and middle class, 'cause markets just love that shit) just to send warm fuzzies to the free market Jebus. That's what's at the crux of their statements - governance by DJIA.
And let's look at their track record. We were harangued for months by the pearl clutchers in the media as they damn near fainted telling us how badly we needed to tie a deficit reduction package to the debt ceiling vote. Because you know, confidence and stuff! Well, we did that, and what did it get us? A credit rating downgrade, the Dow has its worst day since the financial crisis in 2008, and everyone flocks to Treasury securities because people are waking up to just how shitty the global economy has become.
I know this may sound crazy, but perhaps we might send confidence boners if we actually pursued policies that resulted in GDP growth beyond 1% or meaningful job creation, none of these bullshit half measures like patent reform or tax credits for new hires. Or if one of our political parties wasn't barking mad and didn't actively oppose any measure that might actually improve the economy.
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