Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I Would Do...Nothing

Kevin Drum:
Shorter Fed: The economy sucks really badly, but we're not going to do anything about it. Have a nice day! 
Shorter Republicans: Pain is good for you, so we're not going to do anything either. Or allow anyone else to do anything. See you next November! 
Shorter Democrats: We'd like to do something but there's nothing we can do. Sorry, folks! 
Shorter Obama: Prosperity is just around the corner. This time for sure. Clap louder!
I'll add further that all of the above players are gainfully employed with generous salaries, ample health benefits, never have to worry about retirement, and have little concern at the thought of losing their jobs since it would just mean an even more profitable gig on the media, bankster, or K Street circuit. And I am sure that these factors are not at all related to their complete reticence to do fucking anything and the lazy indifference in which they regard the bleak economic conditions that are absolutely savaging millions of Americans.

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