Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sexism Cuts Across All Parties

It goes without saying that I am no fan of Michelle Bachmann, but in her defense, this is total bull shit (via Digby):
After Bachmann left the race, several of her advisers pointed to sexism as a contributing factor. “We did believe that sexism — I use the stronger word misogyny — was at play,” said Peter Waldron, her faith outreach coordinator. 
Waldron said that several influential pastors called for her to drop out of the race, reasoning “that a female could not be a civil magistrate.” Johnson himself is a pastor at a central Iowa church.
Hooray! Look at all the progress that has been made since the 1960s! We have women running for president....and organizations full of old, misogynistic, white, male Christians telling them that there is no place for vaginas in the White House. Because you know, that is not what Jebus would have wanted.

This is not a left/right issue. No female should ever be subjected to this kind of regressive, ignorant treatment, and it is a sad reflection on the state of our lack of progress on gender equality. 

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