GINGRICH: More people are on food stamps today because of Obama’s policies than ever in history. I would like to be the best paycheck president in American history. Now, there’s no neighborhood I know of in America where if you went around and asked people, “Would you rather your children had food stamps or paychecks,” you wouldn’t [SIC] end up with a majority saying they’d rather have a paycheck.
And so I’m prepared, if the NAACP invites me, I’ll go to their convention and talk about why the African-American community should demand paychecks and not be satisfied with food stamps. And I’ll go to them and explain a brand new Social Security opportunity for young people, which should be particularly good for African-American males — because they’re the group that gets the smallest return on Social Security because they have the shortest life span.
Spoiler alert for Newt - the NAACP is probably not going to invite you to their conference so you can say, "Hey all you freeloading n*ggers - you should demand paychecks instead of welfare, you lazy fucking assholes."
Never mind the fact, as Think Progress notes, that the majority of food stamp recipients are white. Facts/reality do not play into the conservative psyche. All lazy people and welfare queens are unequivocally black/brown and otherwise non-white. Remember - racism is dead because we have a black president.
Fuck these people.
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