Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 In Reverie

I seem to be reading a lot of people, both personal friends and online, bidding a not so fond good riddance to 2010. I can't say that I can really complain much about it. Nationally and politically, it was definitely a rough year. The economic conditions are still shit, and I have little optimism that the 112th Congress will do much about it (unless you count cutting taxes and going after social security. You know, deficit reduction stuff). But personally, I can't really complain. I have a lot to be grateful for. 2010 wasn't anything spectacular, but it wasn't bad either. I guess 2011 can only go up from here. I guess I'm not just feeling very reflective.

So yeah, fuck it - time to have several drinks and then stumble around Tempe listening to Jimmy Eat World. There are worse things I could be doing.

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