Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Long Shot

But it sure would be a sweet victory:

"I want to be our party's Scott Brown," he [Rodney Glassman] said, in a sit-down with the Huffington Post, one of several media interviews he did during his recent Washington swing. "The only thing we can do as a party to trump Republicans taking Ted Kennedy's seat is for us to take out John McCain."


Not everyone is ready to commit, let alone tout his capacity to pull off an upset. At a briefing on Thursday, DSCC chairman Robert Menendez was asked whether the Democrats had positioned themselves poorly to benefit from the bloody primary fight between McCain and former Congressman J.D. Hayworth. To which he responded with a demonstration of only tepid interest in the race.

It'll be interesting to see how well Glassman does. My guess is not very well, but it would be great to see him unseat McCain or defeat Hayworth.

Also, go figure - the DSCC will spend millions propping up a Blue Dog loser like Blanche Lincoln, but they have a candidate genuinely interested in taking out an entrenched GOP icon like McCain and they can't be bothered to care.

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