House Minority Whip Eric Cantor will kick off a personal drive Friday to rebrand the GOP as "a party that gets it” and would focus on spending — not ideology — if Republicans win a House majority in November.
Without even reading much more, you already know this is going to be rich. Just how exactly does the GOP 'get it,' other than electing a chairman that flashes fake super fly GOP gang signs and is totally hip-hop? It's all in the e-Reader:
As part of showing he “gets it,” Cantor has long sported a Kindle and now happily shows off his iPad, which he enjoys as a “consumer of the news flow.” He complains that The New York Times’ “Editors’ Choice” app doesn’t have a big enough selection of stories.
What the fuck does owning a Kindle or an iPad have anything to do with 'getting it'? And how do you even publish something that full of stupid with a straight face?
Personally I can't wait to see the marketing campaign for this gimmick du jour. I imagine it will be as successful as the previous GOP listening tours (which weren't, in fact, really listening tours), or their echo chamber crowd-sourcing website where they listen only to ideas with which they agree.
It only makes sense that the Republicans would come up with with a slogan completely antithetical to their party's record and try to pass it off as truth. Or that the media would let them parade it around without calling it the complete farce that it is. Or worse, that people would actually believe it.
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