Tuesday, March 8, 2011

We're Sooooooorry

BP Plc's (BP.L) (BP.N) Chief Executive Robert Dudley issued an industry-wide apology for the worst offshore spill in U.S. history at a high-profile energy conference on Tuesday.
"This is the first chance I have had to address such a large gathering of industry colleagues and the first thing I want to say is that I am sorry for what happened last year," Dudley told the CERAWeek conference in a speech titled "New Era, New Responsibilities."
Well that should clean up some of the totally-not-there-anymore-oil from the spill. Good to know the new CEO is as contrite as the former:

And this makes me laugh:
Dudley said BP was working to earn back the trust of the industry, state and federal leaders and Gulf Coast residents, in part by upping efforts to improve safety. That includes shutdowns of two offshore oil and gas production platforms to repair faulty equipment, and shutting down a producing field to enable pipeline integrity work.
The BP Oil Company: earning back the trust of industry, state and federal leaders, and Gulf Coast residents by now doing shit that we should have fucking been doing all along.

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