Friday, May 21, 2010

The Washington Post Gets Tea Bagged

Tommy Christopher reports that Dale Robertson, a self-described tea party activist who was basically drummed out of the movement over holding a quasi-racist sign, has signed up with the Washington Times as a contributor to its tea party blog. Christopher’s quick rundown explains just how strange this is:
    Robertson, you may recall, was thrust back into the limelight in March, when he was quoted by the paper as never having seen any racial slurs at tea parties, despite having been photographed holding a sign that featured the N-word. He told us the photo was a fake, which our expert then disputed, before a sea of journalists came forward to point out that Robertson had already admitted to holding the sign.
I could spend a lot of time writing about how ridiculously stupid and inane our media has become, but there are a lot of people who do a much better job of that than I ever could. I think Jon Stewart and any number of the major blogs have that nailed. What I simply can not understand is how the media has become so obsessed with presenting both sides of an issue even when a given side is patently wrong, misguided, or laughable.

    At what point did waving a sign bearing the n-word qualify you to work for a major news organization? I was always under the impression that waving such a sign qualified you as a racist asshole and a social pariah (aside from the deep South). Granted, this is the Washington Post, the same paper that employs global warming denier and the fact-challenged George Will and torture fetishist Mark Thiessen.

    For the record, I don't recall anyone getting hired on at the New York Times for waving a "Bush Lied, People Died" sign during Iraq war protests. Those people were universally decried as dirty fucking hippies and their protests of millions strong dismissed as focus groups. But get a couple hundred of middle-aged, highly educated, wealthy, lower-tax bracket, predominantly white male Republicans together and you've got yourself a movement! Quick, somebody get the guy with the mullet waving an Obama-as-Hitler sign a job at CNN!

    Also, this.

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