It's not exactly a novel observation that the GOP is increasingly becoming a rump minority party dominated by whites, Christians, Southerners, and bigots. And don't forget the stupid vote either - they rely on the bull shit they feed daily through Fox News to brainwash the low information types, GOP-leaning "independents," or people who otherwise are easily misled and can't be bothered to sift through the noise to find the truth.
But this is just going to absolutely savage their future electoral prospects:
The crop of students moving through college right now includes the largest group of mixed-race people ever to come of age in the United States, and they are only the vanguard: the country is in the midst of a demographic shift driven by immigration and intermarriage.
One in seven new marriages is between spouses of different races or ethnicities, according to data from 2008 and 2009 that was analyzed by the Pew Research Center. Multiracial and multiethnic Americans (usually grouped together as “mixed race”) are one of the country’s fastest-growing demographic groups. And experts expect the racial results of the 2010 census, which will start to be released next month, to show the trend continuing or accelerating.Yeah, an entire generation of scary, non-white, mixed race degenerates are coming to take the country away from all the Jebus loving real murkins. The totally-not-racist-whatsoever tea baggers already want their country back, so I don't know where they will go from here when this group enters the polling booths, the workplace, corporations, and government. And I am sure that this same generation isn't the least bit disillusioned with the constant race baiting of the GOP and the way in which they have gone after President Obama almost daily for not loving America enough, not seeming presidential enough, or for not being born here. You know, because he is black and has a Muslim sounding middle name.
This also proves that Marvel and the Spider-Man writers are clearly out of step with mainstream America and evil liberals that just made the new hero a mixed race individual out of a deep seated hatred for white America. Or they "affirmative actioned" Spidey. Or something.
The only unfortunate thing is that we're years away from these individuals truly integrating into voting blocs and society writ large. In the meantime, we will be stuck with Fox News and the Rush Limbaughs and Glenn Becks of this world completely losing their shit, spewing hate speech as they watch their precious grip on America continue to unravel as a new generation rises up and rejects their ignorant worldview.
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